Parents are always made feel welcome in the school. Parents are very supportive of the school, not only in supporting their child at school, but in helping to organise and run many events.

The cooks prepare breakfast for pupils on a daily basis. BIG BREAKFASTS are held regularly. Cooked breakfasts are included on the menu and many mums, dads, grandparents and friends make that special effort.
This is an eclectic list of books that some parents and children of Jones Memorial Primary School have enjoyed. You may find the list useful or wish to add to it in the future. The books have been split into four categories: picture books, short/first chapter books, longer chapter books good for sharing, and non-fiction.

Year 1 Parents – Individual meetings in September
Years 2 Parents – Linguistic Phonics 12th September
Years 1-5 parents – Individual Parent Meetings in October
Years 6-7 Parents – Individual Parent Meetings in November
Year 1 Parents – Individual meetings in September
Years 2 Parents – Linguistic Phonics 12th September
Years 1-5 parents – Individual Parent Meetings in October
Years 6-7 Parents – Individual Parent Meetings in November
Year 1 Parents – Individual meetings in September
Years 2 Parents – Linguistic Phonics 12th September
Years 1-5 parents – Individual Parent Meetings in October
Years 6-7 Parents – Individual Parent Meetings in November
How to order your Uniform…
Our school uniform can be purchased by visiting LE Graphics or School Days in Enniskillen. Non – essential items ie trousers/skirts /shirts can be purchased at your discretion. Ties are available from the school office (2 variations are available)
We take great pride in wearing the JMPS Uniform- this is an important part of our identity and helps sets the tone of learning…
School logo navy coat or fleece | Grey trousers | White shirt | School Tie | Navy School v-neck sweatshirt with school logo|Black, flat shoes | Grey Socks
Summer Option Grey shorts
School logo navy coat or fleece | Grey pinafore or Grey skirt | White shirt |School Tie | Navy School v-neck sweatshirt or navy school cardigan with school logo | Black, flat shoes | White Socks
Summer Option Blue gingham dress
PE Kit (in a labelled bag)
Navy shorts | White school T-shirt
*All uniform including coats and shoes should be labelled clearly. Non permanent ink washes or wears off. Trainers only permitted at break time or lunch at discretion of Principal. Trainers not to be worn before school or during the school day.
We would encourage children not to wear jewellery to school. Necklaces should not be worn over the top of uniforms. We would encourage those children with ear piercings to wear plain studs in the interests of their health and safety. Any boy or girl wearing hoop or long earrings will either have to remove them or have them taped during PE. Please note that the school will be unable to take any responsibility for any jewellery that is lost.
No make-up should be worn at primary school.
Hairstyles should not be extreme and without unnatural colours or patterns.