Jones Memorial Primary School has been involved in the Extended Schools programme since 2015.   The Extended Schools programme was devised with the aim of helping and supporting children and young people in areas of social deprivation. 

The programme has 5 main outcomes

Being Healthy

Enjoying Learning and Achieving

Living in safety and with stability

Enjoying economic and environmental well-being

Contributing positively to community and society

Each year our school receives Extended Schools funding from the Department of Education.  We use this money to provide a range of activities for our pupils, in order to help them achieve the outcomes listed above.


Programmes included

Over the past decade our Extended Schools programme has included the following activities:

  • The After-School Club (Buttercup)

  • Homework Club 

  • Mathletics

  • Accelerated Reader

  • Computer Club and talks on Internet safety for parents & children

  • Cookery Club for parents & children

  • Dance for parents & children

  • Language & Communication

  • Literacy & Numeracy After schools club and parents evening

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Speech and Language

  • Yoga

  • Mental health talks, Play therapy and Relax kids


Most of these activities take place at the end of the school day, and most are organized and delivered by members of the school staff.

During the past year we have run many of these activities, including:

The After-School Club (Buttercup/Homework)

Open to all pupils from Reception to Primary 7.  Children are given help with their homework and also have opportunities to participate in a range of creative activities, such as arts & crafts and games.