Board Of Governors

The Board of Governors of Jones Memorial Primary School has determined that the following criteria shall be applied, in the event of the number of pupils applying for places in Year 1 being greater that the admission number, in the order set down below. Priority shall be given to children resident in Northern Ireland.Our Board of Governors comprises of Transferor representatives, EA representatives, parent representatives and a teacher representative. The School Principal acts as secretary. The four-year term of office began in September 2018.

Transferors’ Representatives:

Mrs A Beattie (Chairman)

Mrs R Hamilton

Mrs D Wilson

Rev S McWhirter

EA Representatives:

Mr D Graham(Vice Chairman)

Vacant post

Parents’ Representatives:

Mrs S Coalter

Mrs D Morrison

Teacher Representative:

Mr N Foy


Mrs S ISherwood (Non voting member of the Board)


The Board of Governors meet regarding their responsibilities for:

  1. The Delivery of the Northern Ireland Curriculum

  2. Management of staff and staff appointments

  3. Admissions Policy and Open Enrolment

  4. Self Evaluation and School Development Planning

  5. Policy Review and implementation

  6. Budget/Finance Management

  7. Management of premises and facilities

  8. Responding to Department of Education and EA Initiatives

  9. Reporting to Parents


Our annual Board of Governors Report which outlines the main events of any year and is available for you to view. All parents can request and staff receive a copy of this report annually.


Children of compulsory school age who have brothers/sisters or half-brothers/half-sisters presently enrolled at the school.

Children of compulsory school age regarded by the Board of Governors, on the basis of written or other evidence supplied by the parents/guardians and statutory or other agencies, as having special circumstances, (i.e. medical, social or security reasons.)

Other children of compulsory school age.

Children aged 4 will be admitted into Reception on their 4th birthday, where there are vacant places within the admissions number.

The school will continue to admit children not of compulsory school age as above, unless the Department determines that such children will be zero rated for funding purposes. The Board of Governors including the Principal draws up the Admission Criteria and applies them if necessary.